Apple Picking Adventures

Everyone has their favorite fall traditions and for me, it’s apple picking. This past weekend, my family and I ventured up to an apple orchard, located in Maine, that we’ve been going to for about five years. Not only do we love their scenic location and ludicrously delectable apples, but also that they are a low spray orchard. You may or may not be aware of this, but apples are apart of the “dirty dozen group”, which means that pesticide usage is much higher for fruits and veggies that are members of this circle. My family is very health-conscious, so we prefer picking our apples at low-spray orchards. This apple orchard that we go to is further away from our house, but 100% worth it (especially for the best honey crisps I’ve ever had in my life) and the drive is super beautiful.

I have been taking pictures at this orchard for years, but I think that these are some of my best yet. I feel like I’ve really captured the vibrancy of the apples and unique trees shapes. Here are a few of my favorites!


Alexandra Spund

Silloutted Leaves

ap ap apple

This totally looks like a gate made out of apples to me!

Doesn’t this look like a gate made out of apples?

Apples shapeee


Thee most perfect triplet of apples I've ever seen!

Thee most perfect triplet of apples I’ve ever seen!

:P :P :P Talk about YUM!

😛 😛 😛 Talk about YUM!

Been Bit By The Shutter Bug Friday – End of Summer Sunset

I took these photographs a few weeks ago on a picturesque island located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire (Pierce Island). What I love the most about this location are the vibrant sunsets that shine upon the calm waters of the Piscatequa River. They make for the most gorgeous landscape photos! I also love how many of these photos are outlined by the silhouetted rock formations, it really brings out the colors reflecting on the river. I am truly amazed by our natural surroundings at times!


Alexandra Spund

Maine BridgeBlue Boat

Maine BridgeJenny SunsetRocks and The OceanSailing Through